Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8th

Today we started off the class looking at the TPACK model and the importance of making a plan before choosing technology, that we should look at the content and pedagogy before technology.

After that we spent time looking at some fabulous websites that could be used in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. Some of the sites that I found to be most interesting were Wall wisher, Picnik, Flipsnack and Prezi. The only one that I had ever seen before was Prezi, so the other were a great discovery for me.

Also going to the sites Bloom and Web 2.0 , Web 2.0 Cool tools for school ,  Go2Web20 were great because they have collections of great sites that I can explore and see what could be useful for me to use in my classroom. Overall everything we looked at today will be useful! I can't wait to try them out!!!

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