Tuesday, July 12, 2011


TPACK- Assignment by Kelly, Sarah and Charlotte
General Outcome 2: Indentify and explain conflict and discuss how it develops and may be resolved.

Goal:  The goal for this assignment is to write short story focusing on conflict.  They will create the story in pairs or in small groups. Once the story is written they will switch their stories with another group for peer editing purposes.  Once the editing is complete they will present their story in a picture book form.

Technology: To write the story the groups will be asked to use Titan Pad or Google Docs as a cooperative process, this will enable each student to contribute equally.  For the editing aspect, the other peer group can edit and save the various changes to the document and the group can see the changes that were made.  Once the story is completed the groups can choose to either create a story book project in Flip Snack or they can take digital pictures to visually show the images of their story and use Windows Movie Maker to create a video.  They can use the audio to record their story for the audience to hear. 

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