Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12th

We started today's class where we left off yesterday, working with imovie. Yesterday my group including Kelly, Sarah and myself were struggling, but today things went much more smoothly until we hit a wall and Jean couldn't fix it so we had to start all over again. Finally we got it done complete with transitions, music, credits and a title. We are feeling much better about it now.

After that we got an introduction to using SMART boards. I know that A lot of teachers that work for the board know how to use them, but at Bow Valley College we don't have ready access to SMART boards, so it is new for me. It seems like there are a lot of interesting things that you can do with a SMART board and I wish that I had to opportunety to learn more about it and try it for myself.

Then we did an activity using the SMART clickers. We do have A CPS system that we use at BVC, but it uses different technology. Almost everything we did today was new for me!

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